Why Your Company Needs a Social Media Manager

Many companies don’t think they need a social media manager, but that mistake could overall be negatively impacting your company. Assigning social media responsibilities to people throughout the office could get confusing and overall create less productivity among your employees due to them being preoccupied. Designating a single person to handle these affairs is now seen as pertinent in today’s evolving social media world.

In this blog post, I will focus on why your company needs a social media manager and how you can benefit from having one.

They drive traffic to your business. Whether it’s keeping people updated on new products or sales, the social media manager is constantly alerting people to what is going on with your company. Your social media manager runs your marketing plan online in order to produce the most traffic as possible.

They respond to problems immediately. The instant feedback allowed by social media will enable you to respond and deal with a problem right away (Dephillips, 2015).

They help build brand loyalty. “Moving on to 2013, one company – Starbucks – still remains a powerhouse on Twitter. For Starbucks, it’s apparent as to why they are effective in using Twitter to make people brand loyal – they are engaged with their consumers. When looking at their timeline, most of their tweets are replies to individual tweets. Simply put, they listen to what their consumers are saying and giving feedback” (Bell, 2013). In engaging with your consumers, you’re creating a level playing field for all.

They give your brand direction. It’ll help you look at your company and figure out what your immediate goals are and what your long-term goals are. It’ll also help you use your strengths and weaknesses to see how social media can improve them both.

Increase traffic to your website. Having an active social media account allows you to direct people directly to your website simply by the tap of a link.


Bell, T. (2013, September 5). Establishing Brand Loyalty through Social Media. Retrieved from http://www.depts.ttu.edu/comc/research/outpost/blog/brand-loyalty.php#sthash.GymG5BDh.dpbs

Dephillips, K. 16 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing. Retrieved from http://www.contentfac.com/9-reasons-social-media-marketing-should-top-your-to-do-list/


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